Online Classifieds Pricing

Base Price

Online classifieds are free for items up to $250 of asking price for items without a base price, or $10.00 for anything above. A base fee of $7.00 will also be charged for services and classifieds with no list price. Exceptions are Found and Free for the taking, which will not be charged.

Featured Ad

Placed at the top of the chosen category and highlighted. Cost $10.00

Additional Photos

The first 3 photos are free. Each additional photo uploaded is $0.75 each.


Add a map to your listing for $3.00


Place video embed (Youtube or other) for $3.00.

Days Listed

The first 30 days are included. Unless featured, newer ads appear at the top. Your ad is removed after 30 days or until you cancel the ad.

Print Ads

Base price is $30.00 for up to 100 characters to place your ad in the print edition of the Dyersburg State Gazette starting the second business day after submission to appear for the next 6 publishing days. Call (731) 285-4091 if you have questions for custom placement or different start times.