Suspect released on bond in dog-poisoning case

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The man arrested over the weekend on an outstanding felony warrant for aggravated animal cruelty was released on a $2,500 bond on Monday.

John E. Hogshooter, 39, 310 Harness Road, appeared in front of a judge on Monday morning and was given a bond of $2,500, which he made shortly after his appearance.

Hogshooter is accused of poisoning some dogs in the Harness Road area, one of which belonged to missing person Karen Swift and her husband.

Hogshooter had an outstanding warrant for his arrest for the alleged poisoning. He was taken into custody by sheriff's deputies on Saturday after he pulled into his residence on Harness Road while officers were looking for potential evidence in the area.

Dyer County Sheriff's Dept. Chief Investigator Terry McCreight said due to the nature of Hogshooter's case and the proximity to Swift's residence they had to look at him as part of their investigation into her disappearance. As a result, Hogshooter's vehicle was temporarily impounded and investigators searched his Harness Road residence.

McCreight said Hogshooter's vehicle was released back to him and no noteworthy evidence was found during their searches.

Swift's husband, David Swift, reported the poisoning incident to sheriff's deputies on Oct. 7. In the report, David Swift stated he observed his dog travel to 310 Harness Road, where Hogshooter had been staying, and it fell ill shortly afterward. Karen Swift was reported to have gone to the dwelling to speak to Hogshooter, but he was not there and she saw a blue rocky substance in a pan. The dog was taken to an animal clinic and was given medication to counteract the alleged poison, then was released after overnight observation.

Officials say another dog, belonging to a neighbor, died as a result of the same incident.

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  • if people who live in the county don't keep their animals at bay and off other peoples property, they are the ones responsible for the animals death--what ever it is, hog, cow, cat, dog, mule, chicken, turkey whatever. the animal owner's negligece is the one responsible. if anyone should be charged with a crime, it should be the owner!

    -- Posted by closerlook on Tue, Nov 8, 2011, at 1:16 PM
  • You better not wander around too much off your property dwain...I'm sure most people think more of their dog than they do you.

    -- Posted by yahooo on Tue, Nov 8, 2011, at 2:55 PM
  • It is a simple task Stay on your own property and off other properties that are not Public and keep your properties on these premises whether it is Animal's or other belonging's.Some people just don't want the responsibility of owning pet's who would be responsibly would if the animal attacked someone's child ?

    -- Posted by Citizen 1960 on Tue, Nov 8, 2011, at 5:36 PM
  • Where in the article does it say the dogs wandered on this man's property???? There are many sadistic men out there that torture/kill animals every day. In my neighborhood growing up, there was a man that was going around the block throwing poisoned food in yards with dogs. Killed 4 dogs.

    Anyone that kills domestic animals are more than likely to be violent against humans. It's a well-documented fact.

    -- Posted by Bostonreader on Thu, Nov 10, 2011, at 9:53 AM
  • Dogs are considered a dumb animal. Why would anybody want to be cruel to a dumb animal. Yes it is the owner responsiblity to keep there animals from running loose so they should be held accountable for this. But because the dog was loose gives no one the right to poison it. For God sake, what is this world coming to.

    -- Posted by Gerty on Thu, Nov 10, 2011, at 8:49 PM
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