I wept
In my mind, I am remembering the verse, “Jesus wept.” As he peers down from the right hand of the Father, I wonder if His eyes fill with tears. Transitioning my mass times from early morning to Saturday at 5 PM because new seasons and chapters of my life with ALS has been tough but I am persevering. As we began the communion rite this past Saturday, the heaviness of my chest increased by the gravity of our precious Lord Jesus in bread and wine. The gift of sitting at the Last Supper eating His flesh for the Life of the world. This is the world changing moment that is the most sacred of Christian rites.
I’ve been having a holey, not holy, go of it lately. The only place that I don’t have any holes is my garden and it desperately needs them for transplants and flower patches for Ben and Heather’s wedding. My heart has been pierced by the unknown new routines I am about to face. I know God will guide and provide as it unfolds. The holes remind me I am a mere human doing my best carrying this holey heart, my cross. I wept last night during communion. Thanking God for the food for the journey.
The gift of the Eucharist, the belief in the Covenant of Christianity, and our Triune God is the best medicine for a holey heart. The Mercy poured out into us heals us from the inside out. Our hearts do become pierced but that’s why we need the Eucharist as often as possible but especially on the Sabbath. We rest and remember where we come from and from where our blessings flow.
I wept bitterly because I felt the realness of Jesus with us. I thought about the opening of the Olympic games and cried that there are so many people in need of healing: body, mind, and soul. The feast of heaven and earth is real, body and blood, broken and shared to fill in the holey hearts. I prayed for those without the belief in the Good. Those that are drawn to the dark. Those who have hearts that are threadbare and feel no one loves them. The sheep without a shepherd; His heart was moved for them. I am praying you find the peace only the one true Shepherd gives. All are invited. Listen for His voice.
Sarah Anderson Alley
Sal the Forgive Them Gal
Quote of the Day:
God sweetens outward pain with inward peace.
Christ is never sweet until sin is felt to be bitter.
Every time you draw your breath, you suck in Mercy.
Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
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