What if nothing works?As a reader of this column, you are striving to improve your life. You want to attain your goals and bring your dreams into reality. You want to break through your self-imposed limitations. So you follow all of the advice in this column. But you think nothing is working. ...
Dealing with people you don't likeWhy do you have an aversion to certain people? Even if you are a saint, not everyone will be in harmony with you. There are various reasons why you may dislike a particular person. It may be because someone dislikes you, treats you rudely, disagrees with you, takes advantage of you, is inconsiderate, has different opinions, is mean, acts unfriendly, is manipulative, is deceitful, or is malicious. ...
S.N.I.O.P.Are you a S.N.I.O.P.? A S.N.I.O.P. is a person who is susceptible to the negative influences of other people. This is a common syndrome. We all desire approval from others. Everyone has grown up being conditioned to be concerned about what others think...
A dime is smaller than a nickelSometimes people erroneously equate quantity with success. Unfortunately, there are those who are impressed with how much, how big, how expensive, or how many. There is a notable difference between quantity and quality. Look at a handful of coins. A dime is smaller than a nickel, yet the dime is worth twice as much. The significant measure is value rather than quantity. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean better...
Leave your comfort zoneEveryone enjoys being comfortable. Being safe, secure, and happy is a basic human desire. For the most part, we prefer the known to the unknown, the predictable to the unpredictable, and the risk-free to the risky. However, bringing goals to reality requires us to leave our comfort zone. This requirement is in direct conflict with our innate desire to remain safe. So, in order to realize your dreams, you must act in a manner contrary to normal preferences.
There are no shortcutsWhen someone is successful, they are more visible than when they were struggling along their path to attain their goals. Few people draw much attention while they are confronting challenges and overcoming numerous obstacles. When a person has reached the top of the mountain and is standing on the summit, they are much more visible than when they were climbing up the side. We all desire success, however we define it.