On the Record

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


City of Dyersburg

Hunter Lee Caviness- Spdng

Kelly Huscher- False Reports

Kristin Paige Johnson- Driving while Lic Rev

Ulysses Manuel- Spdng- 50 fine and cost, 5 days

Carie Martin- Harassment

Zackary Robertson- Public Intox, Seat Belt

Jade V Sharp- Spdng

Riley Wallace Sherron- Schdl VI drugs, Poss of Weapon, Drug Para

Calvin Speed- V of Protec

Cordaryl Davion Taylor- FtA, Drvng while Lic susp, Light Law

Jacob Daniel Wilson- DUI, Implied Consent, Leave Scene, Reg Exp, FLR, Seat Belt

Angela Wilcox Yates- Aggravated Dom Asslt


City of Dyersburg

Ricky Brooks- Schedule IV drugs, Smple Poss

Amy Childress- Presc. Drug Fraud- 11/29 susp, 576.90 restitution

Kevin Duck- Driving While Lic Rev, Leave Scene

Chancellor Phiklip Hutcheson- Seat Belt, Reg Exp

Ashley Nicole Jones- FtA, Schedule VI Drugs, Drvng while Lic Susp, Display Reg Plates

Brandon Dewayne Jones- Drvng while Lic Susp, FtA

James Hunter Lyles- Spdng

Ceasar A Moncada- Vandalism

Lillian Christie Ozment- Dom Assult

Mykyta Rudenko- Smple Poss