On the Record
City of Dyersburg
Cynthia R Pierce- Drvng while Lic Rev, Fail Drvr Stop Sceen Acc Inv Injury, Immediate Notice, FRL
Maddison Riley Beach- Domestic Asslt
James Ernest Benthal- Fail to use Trn Signal
Jashawn T Branch- Spdng, Drvng without Lic
Jason Branham- Drvng without Lic- 25 fine and cost
Tanequa L Bruce- FtA, DUI, Implied Consent, Seat Belt, Light Law, FRL
Mikeal Deason- Dom Asslt, Resist stp, arr, srch
Lisa Eubanks- Dom Asslt, Crim Impersonation, Seat belt
Tara L Gerdis Omalley- Drvng while Lic Susp
Marshall Harris- Crim Trespass, FtA
Tina Marie Hernandez- Drvng while Lic Susp
Sabrina A Johnson- Prob V
James Tyler Kratz- Seat Belt
Kaylin Nicole Middleton- Simple Poss
Chara Emon Moore- Due Care
Lannie Mosier- Drvng while Lic Susp
Ryan Omalley- Unlaw removal of Reg Tag, FRL, Drvng without Lic
Molissa A Pickett- DUI, Seat Belt, FtA
Juan Espindola Ramirez- Due Care, Drvng without Lic- 30 fine and cost
Anthony Phillip Zaca- Prob V
City of Dyersburg
Danny J Dorse- Drvng while Lic Susp, Seat Belt, Drvng Unreg Vehicle, Light Law, FRL
Stephen Cager Evans- Spdng
Julie Ann Holland- Drvng while Lic Susp, Spdng, FRL
Caitlynn M Kirk- Drvng Without Lic, Reg Exp, FRL
Jacqueline Kirk- Cruelty to Animals
Adron L Mallard Jr.- Drvng while Lic Rev, Drvng Unreg Vhcl on Highway, Light Law, FRL
Jarvis Emanuel Moten- Prob V
Mackenzie Myers- Drvng while Lic Susp, Obedience to Trrafic Cntrl, Open Container, Reg Exp, FRL
Daniel Powell- Sex Offndr Reg Form V
Kristen Nichole Prince- Use of Telecom Device while Drvng
Leth Safi- Use of Telecom Device while Drvng- 25 fine and cost
Brayden D Sumner- Move Over Law
Craig Thurmond- Criminal Tresspass, Smple Poss
Keona Lavette Turner- Failure to Yield Right of Way
Kevin Tuttle- Dom Assult
Rene Velazquesz Ortiz- Spdng, Drvng without Lic
Lucas Manuel Walls- SeatBelt- 30 fine
Brittney Nicole Webb- Drvng while Lic Susp, FRL, Due Care
Daniel Webb- DUI
Aaron P Wengstrom- Dom Asslt
Joshua Lee Wilson- Stp at All Stp Signs, FRL- 5 fine and costs
Joshua Lee Wilson- Due Care, FRL
Robert Allen Wright- Drvng on Rdwys Laned for Traffic- DS