On the Record

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


City of Dyersburg

Dequandric Rumel Anderson- FtA, Drvng while Lic Susp, Light Law

Holly L Bluew- Crim Trespass- 30 days susp

Tonya Leeann Carson- Spdng- DS

David Climer- Theft, Crim Trespass, Drvng while Lic Rev, Spdng

Mark Davidson- Drvng while Lic Rev, Spdng

Kiley Brooke Dean- Spdng- 50 fine

Keith Gauldin- Spdng

Joshua Gooch- V of Mtr Vhcl Ignition Interlock Device

Hugo Sandiez Horta- Drvrs Lic to be Carried

Shae Michelle Kelley- Schdl II Drgs, Drg Para

Latandria Shante Kimble- Seat Belt, FRL

Josie Nahun Pineda Larios- DUI, Obedience to Trffc Cntrl, Drvng on Rdwys laned for Traffic

Devin Reddin- Public Intox- 25 fine and cost

Steven Stephens- Disorderly Conduct, Public Intox

Cleadus Alan Thyurmond- DUI

Edward D White- Drvng on Rdwys Laned for Traffic

Debbie K Wilson- Reckless Drvng

Jimmy Ray Wilson- Reckless Drvng, Drvng without Lic, Seat Belt, Driving Unreg Vehicle on Highway, FRL


City of Dyersburg

Katherine Leigh Barton- FRL- Noelle

Jamie Bryson- Compulsory Schl Attendance

Michael Bryson- Compulsory Schl Attendance

Mark A Ditto- Meth, Intent to Go Armed, Prohibited weapons, Smpl Poss, Drug Para, Attemptd Poss pf weapon

Kevin Duck- Drvng while Lic Rev, Leave Scene of Accident

Stephen Cager Evans- Spdng

Alfredo G Garduno Jr- DUI, Poss of Handgun while Under Influence, Reckless Endangerment, Drvng on Rdwys Laned for Traffic

Stephan L Holloway- Drvng while Lic Rev, FRL

Trenton Lee Jones- Spdng- DS

Trevonne Marquale Leatherwood- Seat Belt- 30 fine

Steven J Long- Drvng while Lic Rev

Martez Dequan Mays- Spdng, Reg Expr

Chad Miller- Dom Asslt, Agg Asslt, False Imprisonment, Resist, Stp, Arrst, Srch

Morris Edward Moore- Drvng while Lic Susp, Reg Exp, FRL, Vhcl Stp at all Stp Sgns

Michael Paul Richmond- Drvng while Lic Susp, Leave Scene of Accident, Display Susp DL, FRL

Michael Clayton Shelton- Community Supervison V

Riley Wallace Sherron- Schedule VI Drugs, Unlaw Poss of Wpn, Drug Para, Alter Item Perm Disting NBRS

Martaveon K Smith- Drvng while Lic Susp, Spdng

Calvin Speed- V of Protec Order

Benjamin Chase Sugg- Drvng without Lic, Following too Closely

Cordaryl Davion Taylor- DtA, Drvng while Lic Susp, Light Law

Guy Willie James Toles- Immediate Notice of Accident, Leave Scene of Accident, Damage Government Property, Improper Lane Change

Arianna Truett- Spdng, Drvng without Lic

Courtney Denyel Turner- DUI, Drvng while Lic Rev, Evading Arrest, Spdng, Reckles Drvng, No Stp, Light Law, FRL, Drvng on Rght, Telecom while Drvng

Skyler Chance Vickery- FRL

Dymitr Mitchell Wach- Spdng

Brandi M Warden- No DL

Aaron Thomas Willis- Seat Belt- 30 fine

Sonny J Willis- Drvng while Lic Rev