Choctaw Baseball holds annual awards banquet

Monday, July 22, 2024
Members of the varsity team receiving individual awards were (front, from left) Trent Wilson (Coaches Award, All-Academic), Jake Gentry (Defensive Most Valuable Player), Jack Smith (Coaches Award, All-District), Everett Kuykendall (Most Improved), Landon Willis (All-District), JD Binkley (Defensive Most Valuable Player, Mike Gray Academic Award, All-District); (back, from left) Drew Ladd (Coaches Award, All-Academic), Trey Tarkington (Most Valuable Player, District 13AAA Pitcher of the Year, All-Academic), Kole Fenton (Offensive Most Valuable Player, District 13AAA Most Valuable Player), Eli Powell (Pitcher of the Year, All-Academic), and David Headtke (Rookie of the Year).
State Gazette photo/Jason Peevyhouse

Dyer County High School honored the members of its Choctaw Baseball team with its annual awards banquet on Wednesday night in the DCHS Commons.

Junior Varsity players receiving individual honors were (front, from left) Auden Ramirez (Home Run Leader), David Headtke (Co-Offensive Most Valuable Player), Ethan Powell (Coaches Award), Nick Epperson (Co-Offensive Most Valuable Player); (back, from left) Easton Ozment (Pitcher of the Year), Ty Johnson (Co-Offensive Most Valuable Player), Seth Headtke (Defensive Most Valuable Player) and Ethan Wray (Most Valuable Player).
State Gazette photo/Jason Peevyhouse
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  • You left out my kid’s name. Ethan Powell coach’s award

    -- Posted by tennpowell on Tue, Jul 23, 2024, at 9:01 AM
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