Pecan Lane
Janie Stafford is a Dyersburg “lifer”. Born and raised on Samaria Bend Rd., she is a stranger to no one in the Dyer County area. Janie loves good coffee, warm blankets, and her beautiful family. She has one daughter, Lauren, and is the proud grandmother of “Rockin’” Reaves Pugh. Janie is a hobbyist nature photographer operating under Pecan Lane Photography She is also an active blogger. We are thrilled to have Janie on board and look forward to sharing her work. Janie loves writing about local humanitarian efforts and local businesses.
Gator time
Posted Friday, June 30, 2023, at 8:22 AMBubba and Sadie scooped me up for a visit to the bottoms where the farmers are working. It was kind of fascinating to see the lush green areas close to the river vs the baby plants busting out of the hard dirt. The old riverbed is still there with one entrance where Flatt does his fishing back where Joe and Ernest used to go. The field corn is not far from tasseling but I don't eat that. Just give me some sweet corn and squash and I'm happy... -
Samaria Bend spring
Posted Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 11:31 AMHey, Mom and Dad. I'm enjoying the perks of living out my life in your old home place, completely remodeled. There is still that familiar drop in the corner by the living room window. That's where my desk is. From there, I can see the front and side while I write. ... -
Triumphal entry
Posted Friday, April 14, 2023, at 9:07 AMAnyone who happened to drive by FUMC this morning probably noticed a whole bunch of us waving palm branches as we entered the church for the Palm Sunday service. They will be burned and saved for next year's Ash Wednesday service where we all get the sign of the cross on our forehead or hand. ... -
When the heart waits
Posted Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 8:15 AMAll credits belong to Sue Monk Kidd whose book by that title I am currently reading. I ordered it because I loved The Secret Life of Bees. When the heart waits addresses mid-life crisis or ANY crisis for that matter as an opportunity to sit back, let go and let God. ... -
Cotton candy sunset
Posted Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 11:55 AMI went to Jackson to see my girls today. Thanks to constructive co-parenting and BFFs we managed a lunch date at Rock'n'Dough where Reaves ate nothing and climbed under the table in our booth because she wanted to sit by all of us. I tipped the waitress well because we took up space for a LONG time and she was super sweet. ... -
Humble motives
Posted Monday, January 30, 2023, at 8:52 AMI will admit to not being perfect in all ways but my motives are usually pure. Compare and contrast that with those who do what they do to hurt others and build themselves up. Y'all know the type. "Look at me and what I've done!" "Appoint me ruler of what is right and wrong!" Jesus don't like that y'all. Not my Jesus, anyways... -
Foggy bottoms
Posted Monday, January 30, 2023, at 8:49 AMThe fog can lay in really heavy when the weather is thus and so and today is a doozie. Following a week of decent weather, we are about to head into more rain and or ice or both which does not interest me at all. I guess I'm just old and jaded. Novemblah and February are my least favorite months because of all the rain and whatnot. ... -
Posted Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 8:13 AMI stopped by to visit a couple of places today that I will be writing about soon. These are places that meet people where they are like the Salvation Army and the YMCA. I talked with both directors and introduced myself promising to schedule interviews in late spring. ... -
Oh, what a day!
Posted Monday, January 23, 2023, at 10:41 AMI went to our local Martin Luther King day celebration this morning. The weather was "not bad" but a bit cold and windy. Bruce folks drove over and Future City marched up in there at just the right time. I was one of about six white folks there and I kinda' felt out of place but yet again no. ... -
Happy stomaversary
Posted Monday, January 23, 2023, at 10:39 AMThree years ago today I woke up, on a vent, in the ICU at Baptist East without any idea what was going on. Fortunately, the tube came out after a few hours because I was totally freaked out when I woke up and "couldn't breathe." I was fighting it bad and LP said they had to hit me with multiple drugs to calm me down. ... -
Across the aisle
Posted Monday, January 23, 2023, at 10:31 AMBubba called this morning so I could meet him at Charlie's house which is where I lived like...forever. It's all spiffed up and the latest addition is stunning. We have been on this journey together for three years. I moved into the homeplace during a February freeze two years ago. ...