On the Street

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

On Oct. 9, millions tuned in for Round 2 of the 2016 Presidential Debate. Throughout the program, America watched as both candidates explosively attacked one another's views, background, political stances, and character for nearly two hours. A source of high controversy, this year's presidential election has left many households divided, as Clinton is currently leading the election with 45 percent of votes, with Trump trailing behind at 40 percent. Upon asking local residents about their opinion towards the second presidential debate, and which candidate they felt prevailed overall, these were the responses:

Patty Harris

"I feel that Trump did a really good job answering all of the questions. He was very concise and to the point."

George Mitchell

"I cannot imagine the depth of ignorance about our political process that this campaign has deteriorated to. It appalls me that women would even think about the mindset of a guy like him (Trump) as the leader of our country in terms of moral standards and Christian beliefs."

Jeff Hinson

"It was a slugfest, but I feel that Donald Trump came out on top."

Tim Johnson

"I think Hillary had the best answers. Trump was busy dodging all of the questions, and he was overly rude."

Clayton Hayes

"It was a circus. I don't understand why they are both bashing one another in the public eye, while America is sitting here going down the tubes. I don't want to hear them arguing over past issues. I want to hear them (candidates) talk about how this country's current issues are going to get resolved."

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