VFW announces Voice of Democracy, Teacher of the Year awards

Thursday, January 30, 2020
Veterans of Foreign Wars Dyersburg Post 1972 presented the Voice of Democracy awards to junior Dyer County High School student, Jon Mark Castleman. Awards included: VFW Post 1972 1st Place Frame Winner certificate, VOD Award, 1st Place VOD Gold Medal with VOD logo, VOD neck ribbon color logo with VFW/VOD labeled pin, a military flag desk set with vase, and a monetary award of $100. During the ceremony, Commander Randal J. Martin announced that Jon Mark Castleman was awarded 1st Place at the State Level. Jon Mark will now attend the National Level to compete in Washington D.C. for 1st Place which is a $30,000 college scholarship.

Pictured above are members of the VFW Watkins - Finch Post 1972 in Dyersburg including: (Front row from left to right): Post advocate Robert Riggs; member Katie Whalin; Post Surgeon Dr. Joe Wolfe; Post Commander George Winters Jr.; (Back row from left to right): Post Chaplin Jim Horner; member Joe Pehm; member Jim Whalin; member Benny Spain; Senior Vice Commander Sam Helm. Winters extends his warm thanks to all of the officers and members who helped to make this year’s award presentation a successful event.
Teacher Brenda Gibson has also been awarded 1st Place in VFW District 9, which encompass most of West Tennessee. She was awarded 1st place in the state of a Tennessee. VFW Post 1972 Dyersburg is very proud for Gibson who is now in the National level to be considered, along with 49 other state teachers, for National Teacher of the Year. Awards were presented to Gibson including a framed certificate for 1st Place, Teacher of the Year 2019 - 2020 National Post award, Teacher of the Year Citizenship Medal (the highest medal the VFW can award a teacher), USA Patriotic Lanyard, U.S. and Military Flag Set with vase, VFW Logo large umbrella, and a monetary award of $100.
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States thanked teacher Margaret Castleman of Dyersburg Intermediate School for nominating teacher Brenda Gibson, the 1st place winner of the District and State Level Teacher of the Year award. VFW Post 1972 Dyersburg honored Castleman with a framed certificate, Home of the Free, Because of the Brave coasters and a VFW pen. Picture above, (left to right): Post Commander George L. Winters Jr.; teacher sponsor Margaret Castleman; Post Adjutant Robert Riggs.
VFW Teacher of the Year awards program named K-5 Finley Elementary School teacher Michelle Sides the 1st Place National Post winner. Awards were presented to Sides including a framed certificate for 1st Place, Teacher of the Year 2019 - 2020 National Post award, Teacher of the Year Citizenship Medal (the highest medal the VFW can award a teacher), a USA Patriotic Lanyard, U.S. and Military Flag Set with vase, VFW Logo large umbrella, and a monetary award $100.
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