Dyersburg City Schools announces phase plans for October 26-30

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Special to the State Gazette

On Thursday, the Dyersburg City School System announced phase plans for the upcoming week of October 26-30. Virtual Learning will take place for Pre-K students, K-5th grade will remain in Phase 2, 6th-8th grade remains in Phase 1, while DHS will continue to operate in Phase 2 modified.

Dyersburg City Schools issued the following statement regarding the phase plans:

“In an effort to achieve both system goals of keeping students and staff members safe and continuity of learning, Dyersburg City Schools has announced the following Phase Plans for the school week of October 26-30, 2020.

“Virtual Learning will take place for Pre-K students for the school week of October 26-30. A letter about remote learning was sent home to Pre-K parents/guardians on October 15. Breakfast and lunch for Pre-K students may be picked up October 26-30 from 10:30-11:00 a.m. in the Pre-K pick-up line. Special Education Pre-K classes will continue to meet at Dyersburg Primary School the school week of October 26-30.

“Kindergarten through 2nd Grade (Dyersburg Primary School) and 3rd through 5th Grade (Dyersburg Intermediate School) will remain in Phase 2 for the school week of October 26-30.

6th through 8th Grade (Dyersburg Middle School) will remain in Phase 1 for the school week of October 26-30. Students will work virtually from home using chromebooks and other needed materials brought home from school on October 20.

“For the week of October 26, Dyersburg High School will remain on the Phase 2 Modified schedule and have all students in the building. For high school students, this means both groups A and B will report each day to work toward our goal of continuity of learning.

“As part of the Pathway to Recovery Plan, Dyersburg City Schools is in one of four phases based on the spread of COVID-19. To determine the phase for Dyersburg City Schools, those decisions will be made in consultation with the Tennessee Department of Health, school board, and local government. The Director of Schools will make the determination as to the phase in which the school system operates using data from TDH.

“Each Thursday, Dyersburg City Schools will announce the phase for the following school week. The color-coded announcement will be posted on the system website, Facebook page, Twitter page, and Dyersburg City Schools app (Available on the App Store and Google Play). In addition, the announcement will be posted on the Facebook and Twitter pages for Dyersburg Primary School, Dyersburg Intermediate School, Dyersburg Middle School, and Dyersburg High School. Along with the phase announcement, a copy of the Pathway to Recovery will be included.

“Dyersburg City Schools reserves the right to initiate a phase change at any point to ensure the safety of all students and staff. A document outlining each of the four phase guidelines can be found on our system website at http://www.dyersburgcityschools.org

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to making this a year of meaningful and memorable experiences for our students. Together, we will get through this and provide the best education for your child!”

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