NPD’s Harden recipient of DUI Officer of the Year Award

Monday, January 25, 2021
Justin Harden, officer with the Newbern Police Department, was recently named the Tennessee Highway Safety Office’s DUI Officer of the Year for 2020.

The Newbern Police Department recently announced patrolman Justin Harden was named the recipient of the 2020 DUI Officer of the Year award, presented by the Tennessee Highway Safety Office. Patrolman Harden was selected for this award based upon his performance in DUI enforcement throughout the year.

Harden’s dedication to traffic enforcement has helped to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities on Newbern roadways.

Newbern Police Chief Richard ‘Red’ Barnes would like to congratulate Patrolman Harden on this award and thank him for his hard work and dedication to ensuring the safety of our citizens.

Traffic safety is a focus of the NPD through the department's traffic safety program. Recently, the department received 2nd place in the THSO Law Enforcement Challenge awards for its efforts in traffic safety in 2020. The NPD strives to ensure traffic safety throughout the city with enforcement and educational activities.

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  • Congratulations Officer Harden. It is just sad that your hard work is in vain because people like Chastity Brandon gets by with multiple DUIs. You arrested Chastity Brandon on 2/11/2020 in Newbern and her case has not been tried yet. She will get by with it when your report clearly showed she was so drunk driving she fell in the ditch. She refused to blow and is still driving our roadways. TN law states that if you refuse to blow license should be removed immediately. This drunk will eventually kill someone or a family if not stopped. The court system is messed up. As a person that has lost friends and family to these type of people it makes my heart ache.

    -- Posted by EagleOne64 on Tue, Jan 26, 2021, at 6:02 PM
  • Still no trial or prosecution on Chastity Brandon and all is hush hush? 2 years later. Put the dots together folks!

    -- Posted by Starfleet1 on Mon, Feb 14, 2022, at 11:01 AM
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