Rachel Townsend
General Manager/Managing Editor
731.285.4091 ext.114
Born and raised in West Tennessee, I come from a background in creative writing and photography. I have nearly a decade of experience in journalism/photojournalism. I have a fondness for natural light photography, as well as black and white compositions, and landscapes. I'm the proud mother of two amazing kids, and in my spare time I enjoy kayaking with my significant other, reading, photography, cycling, and spending time with my dogs, Nuzzles Peppermint and Shadow "Shady dog" Chandler, and cat, Bijou Fluffybutt.
General Manager/Managing Editor
731.285.4091 ext.114
Born and raised in West Tennessee, I come from a background in creative writing and photography. I have nearly a decade of experience in journalism/photojournalism. I have a fondness for natural light photography, as well as black and white compositions, and landscapes. I'm the proud mother of two amazing kids, and in my spare time I enjoy kayaking with my significant other, reading, photography, cycling, and spending time with my dogs, Nuzzles Peppermint and Shadow "Shady dog" Chandler, and cat, Bijou Fluffybutt.